Ankos 66 Ltd - Aerosol Fire Extingushers, E-mail: info(@) Tel:+359-885-779869; +359-885-021131; Fax: +359-2-8431910



   AGS 11/5 - Generator of Fire Extinguishing Aerosol



AGS 11/5


28 m3



     AGS-11/5 is designed for generating of gaseous-aerosol mixture which stops the process of flame burning when reaches the necessary concentration.
     Generator is made in a shape of a low metal cylinder which has a nozzle gap at the whole circle. Despite its small dimensions this generator has large protected volume up to 28 m3. Due to its construction, the mass fraction of condensed phase is significantly reduced and the temperature of generator body is reduced as well. Has a lot of modifications of mount type and direction of aerosol stream. The basic modifications are given below.
     The electrical impulse which comes to the starter * which is installed inside generator, ignites the aerosol forming cartridge. During the burning of it the fire extinguishing aerosol is produced. The aerosol flow penetrates the cooling layer and comes out of generator through the nozzle. Generator is recommended mainly for fire protection of the transport. Due to its constructive features can be used at the energy facilities.
     Manufacturer guarantees that generator conforms to requirements of technical conditions and GOST if the consumer respects conditions which are indicated in the Instruction Manual.
     The warranty period is 18 months
     Lifetime – 10 years
     Operating life – 5 years

     * The starter type is chosen by the Buyer

Technical characteristics

The mass of aerosol generating cartridge

1.4 kg

Protected volume

28 m3


4.5 kg

Diameter - Height

217 mm x 104 mm

Time of operating

50 sec

Aerosol temperature at the distance of 0.5 m from generator



VR-7.5, VRTH


Starter resistance

7.5 Om

2.5-4 Om

Starter minimum current

0,4 À

Starting voltage

8 – 30 V

1,5 – 24 V

Duration of the starting impulse

Not less than 1.5 sec

Not less than 0.1 sec

Delay of generator start up

< 2 sec

Operating conditions

-50° C / + 50° C, humidity up to 98%



Aerosol outflow along generator axis

Aerosol outflow at circle 360°

Aerosol outflow at sector of 150°

Aerosol outflow at two sectors of 80° each





Screw starter VEL, VR

Screw starter VEL, VR

Screw starter VEL, VR

Screw starter VEL, VR





Built-in starter UZ-7.5

Built-in starter UZ-7.5

Built-in starter UZ-7.5

Built-in starter UZ-7.5




     Aerosol fire fighting
     The search of new fire fighting technologies has demanded to use the existing fundamental discoveries and developments in the sphere of volume fire fighting.



 About us    :    Production    :    AGS-5    :   Partnership    :    Contacts    :    Links

CEN aerosol generators - fire extinguishersISO 9001:2008aerosol generators - fire extinguishers ñåðòèôèêàòaerosol generators - fire extinguishers ñåðòèôèêàò aerosol generators - fire extinguishers ñåðòèôèêàòaerosol generators - fire extinguishers ñåðòèôèêàòaerosol generators - fire extinguishers ìîðñêè ðåãèñúòð ñåðòèôèêàòaerosol generators - fire extinguishers ñåðòèôèêàò

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